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I create designs from naturally occurring textures to try and show viewers the uniqueness and artistic beauty of our genetically formed natural world.  


-St. Mary's College of Maryland, Class of 2014

-Studio Art/Art History Major with an Education Minor

-Focus in Photography and Digital media

​-Most designs have their start as photographs and then are processed in a variety of new ways. 

-Commonly used materials: Plexiglass, Vinyl, Ink, Paint, Fabric, Metal

-I enjoy using bright colors and aesthetically pleasing color palettes! 


What is the best way to clean my plexiglass sculpture?

First use a dusting wand or a light air blower to blow/dust off the smal particles. Then use a little windex. spray it on a folded paper towel and feed it through the layers to lightly clean the sculpture. Video tutorial will be posted in the future. 



How do I return an item?


Email me:



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